Raising Money For NBIA Research

Help me raise money for NBIA research by making a donation as I run the Boston 2011 Marathon in April, 2011 in Brittany's honor.

Although I have crossed my marathon finishing line, the race isn't over for NBIA! Please consider making a donation...

We are so close to reaching $5000...only $135 to go!

Checks payable to:

NBIA Disorders Association

And can be sent to:

Boston for Brittany

c/o Sandy and Rich Leap
14852 Ashby Oak Ct. Haymarket, VA 20169 (Brittany's Mother and Father).

Funds will go directly to research in hopes of finding a cure. Also, they are 100% tax deductible.

Racing to Find a Cure

Monday, January 3, 2011

By Small Means, Great Things Shall Come to Pass...

I find it a hard task to teach my children the joy of giving.  Our society has been very successful at leading many down the road of instantaneous happiness, making one believe that is what brings true joy. "Giving" is put on the back burner and "getting" is forefront...always simmering...ready to boil!   But I think deep down (at least I hope we do), we as adults, know the difference between a quick dip of selfish happiness and the joy that comes from truly giving of ourselves.

It is that giving spirit I want my children to possess...and I think slowly but surely they are learning.  Last week I was able to watch Brittany while Rich and Sandy went to a movie.  Ashton asked if he could come with me, insisting we play a game of Candyland with Brittany.  Soon after our arrival, the game was set up, Brittany picked our Gingerbread playing pieces and Ashton held the stack of cards close by so he could move not only his "man," but Brittany's as well.

As cards were flipped over and the playing pieces were moved closer to the finish, Ashton was in the lead.  I was nervous that he might get a "bad" card sending him back to the start (you see, he is our "baby" in the family and usually gets what he wants...and when he doesn't...watch out).  Sure enough, just after that thought crossed my mind, Ashton was sent back to the start.  With Brittany in the lead, he looked up ready to cry.  But he didn't. I saw him look at Brittany and he had a change of heart.  He said quietly to himself, "It will be okay.  I can go back."

Brittany did end up winning that game.  Ashton took second and I pulled up the rear in third.  But I know he felt joy with the decision he made to go back to the start without a complaint.

I loved the questions he asked me while we tended to Brittany.  "Can she laugh?"  he said.  "Of course she can," I replied, "As long as you say something funny." 

He immediately told her a knock knock joke.  She giggled (although I think it was out of the kindness of her heart).

Being with Brittany is just a small thing that we do as a family but it is giving us the opportunity to learn great things...things that bring us joy.

My children asked me the other day if they could make their guess for my marathon finishing time. "No," I said, "You must first make a donation to NBIA (which Ethan can tell you just what it stands for)."  They each ran up to their rooms and collected $3 from their piggy banks.  We stopped by on Sunday before church to get a quick picture with Brittany and say Happy New Year.

I know two of the kids gave all they had...

It is "by small means that great things shall come to pass..." that is why we are asking even for small  amounts to be donated.  We want your children to give...of themselves.  It is in giving, they will find joy, the kind of joy that lasts.

Please donate to the Boston for Brittany fund...all donations go directly to NBIA research.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to meet Brittany. I'm so proud of Ashton because I fully understand what you mean by the baby of the family and how getting the "bad" card in Candyland can create quite a tantrum! Keep swimming - the goal is at hand!
