Raising Money For NBIA Research

Help me raise money for NBIA research by making a donation as I run the Boston 2011 Marathon in April, 2011 in Brittany's honor.

Although I have crossed my marathon finishing line, the race isn't over for NBIA! Please consider making a donation...

We are so close to reaching $5000...only $135 to go!

Checks payable to:

NBIA Disorders Association

And can be sent to:

Boston for Brittany

c/o Sandy and Rich Leap
14852 Ashby Oak Ct. Haymarket, VA 20169 (Brittany's Mother and Father).

Funds will go directly to research in hopes of finding a cure. Also, they are 100% tax deductible.

Racing to Find a Cure

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pepsi Shepsi..just be a Giver.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Pepsi. I am just mad at them right now. Each year Pepsi picks charities to donate large sums of money to...and after much effort, NBIA didn't get picked! Boo!

But why do we need Pepsi anyway...(besides the fact they have millions of dollars to give)?

I mean, can't we all be givers?

I know we all want to be givers.

What's our hang up?

1. Too busy?
2. Too lazy?
3. Too Scroogy (I made that word up...Garth is in the Christmas Carol so it just popped in my mind)?
Why not start the giving now?

'Tis the season...to give and all.
If we all give a little...it can make a huge difference!

1 comment:

  1. This is the sweetest blog ever. Thanks for your giving spirit!
