Raising Money For NBIA Research

Help me raise money for NBIA research by making a donation as I run the Boston 2011 Marathon in April, 2011 in Brittany's honor.

Although I have crossed my marathon finishing line, the race isn't over for NBIA! Please consider making a donation...

We are so close to reaching $5000...only $135 to go!

Checks payable to:

NBIA Disorders Association

And can be sent to:

Boston for Brittany

c/o Sandy and Rich Leap
14852 Ashby Oak Ct. Haymarket, VA 20169 (Brittany's Mother and Father).

Funds will go directly to research in hopes of finding a cure. Also, they are 100% tax deductible.

Racing to Find a Cure

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


You all know I love to run. I will run in any condition.

It can be pouring rain.
It can be totally hot and humid.
Snowing? No problem.
Windy? Bring it on.
I will run if I have a sniffle, a cough, even a fever.
I ran while pregnant.
I ran with a crack in my heel.
I run when my hamstring hurts.
I will run fast, slow...any pace if you will run with me.
Hills? I will do 'em.
Rocks? I will climb them.
I will run while on vacation.
I will run in the dark...before the sunrises or the sunsets.
I will run around a track.
I will run on a treadmill.
Tired? It doesn't matter.
Achy? I will pop an Advil.

I love to run.

I have always run for me. But this time I am honored to run for Brittany's Cause, our Queen Bee (to see the story of the Queen Bee read about it on the left).

You know, Brittany loves life. She will live in any condition.

Her ability to walk taken.
Her voice is gone.
Unable to swallow food.
Sleeping is difficult.
Stomach can ache.
Coughing a chore.
Breathing sometimes impossible.
Sight decreased.
Ongoing pain from muscles that tighten.
Her life totally dependant on her loving parents.

And yet Brittany lives...with joy...in any condition!

Feel joy this Christmas season by giving. Please make a generous donation to NBIA...they need you.

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